Welcome! You’ve found the Knights of Leather!

We are coming up on 39 years as a force in the Minnesota leather community.  We’ve had a fantastic run, full of many highs, and a few lows to temper us!  Now we think it’s time for a change, a re-imagining, a re-invention.  As a club, the KOL recognizes that the leather and kink community has changed in the aftermath of Covid-19 and a shifting cultural landscape.  As such, it has become clear to us that the club does not now effectively intersect with the greater community in the way it once did, and in a way it now should.  In addition, several members are feeling a need to step away from active participation for their own personal reasons, and some are ready to retire, so to speak. 

The KOL is in the process of a formal re-organization.  This means that we will be unwinding the current club structure and settling our books.  KOL members Kim and Chris wish to pick up the reins and steer the club in a new direction to better meet the values and practices of the current leather community and potential new members.  An important part of that is learning what is important to the younger members of our leather community and allowing that to guide the new direction.  We have a strong sense that the new Knights of Leather will have a lighter social media presence and will focus more on connecting with people through in-person social and educational events. 

Below are a few points of interest that deserve some added attention:


Alas, we are formally canceling Tournament 32 and suspending future Tournaments for the foreseeable future.  We know that is hard to hear for many of us, but the reality is that we don’t currently have the resources to bring Tournament together right now.   

The future of Tournament in general is still under consideration.  It has been a terrific event for many years and we recognize that it is an anticipated and cherished time for many people, ourselves included!  We highly anticipate that Tournament will go dark for a few years, while the new membership determines how things will manifest in the future.  Tournament could go in many directions: it could resume where it left off, it could downsize for a while, it could move to another location, etc.  Kim and Chris and any others who will gather around them will decide how that will look going forward.


Patches remain the property of the Knights of Leather.  However, at this time, the current KOL does not intend to recall patches.  Members in good standing in all membership classes are entrusted to keep and wear colors appropriately in the future.  The new Knights of Leather will likely develop new colors and retire the old.


A dues and membership structure is still being explored and will be announced as the re-organized club emerges.  Please feel free to contact any of us if you are interested in joining Chris and Kim in establishing the re-imagined club.  They would welcome your energy and input!


The club intends to maintain and safeguard its lore, including photos, promotional materials, pins, etc.  Some might go to the Leather Archives and Museum, or to other leather community archives such as the Tretter Collection (local LGBTQ+ archives).

Well, that’s the news, everyone.  We know this is a shock to some of you, and for others it is not surprising.  Wherever you land on that scale is valid and valued.  There will continue to be announcements in the future as this process moves forward.  Closing out a 40-year past and establishing a new future is a lot of work and logistics!!  

Though the KOL is transitioning into something new, know that the individuals who have made up the club these many years are still around!  Please, please, please feel free to contact us with any questions you might have and we welcome your thoughts for the new club.  Our main email address going forward is kolcommunications@gmail.com.